V News

V Season Finale Review: "Red Sky"

V Season Finale Review: "Red Sky"

"Red Sky" is the season finale of V. In it, Erica goes on the offensive, as she and Tyler actually spent time in the Mothership. Chad also discovers the truth about Anna. Read our full recap to see what happened!
Posted in: Reviews
V Review: "Fruition"

V Review: "Fruition"

In "Fruition", Anna delivers a message to the world this week: we're outta here! Elsewhere, Erica and the team try to track down a scientist who may have invented a vial weapon in their fight.
Posted in: V

V Promo: "Fruition"

Will Anna actually pack up and leave next week on V? That's what the leaders of her kind threatens to do on "Fruition."
Posted in: V
V Review: "Hearts and Minds"

V Review: "Hearts and Minds"

In "Hearts and Minds", Erica, Ryan, Father Jack and Hobbes must stop a V-filled shuttle from landing and killing them. But, will their actions backfire on them? Read our full recap and let us know what you think!
Posted in: Reviews
V Review: "Heretic's Fork"

V Review: "Heretic's Fork"

In "Heretic's Fork", Ryan tells Val that he's a Visitor. Meanwhile, Tyler will stop at no end to be with Lisa. Read our full recap to find out what happened!
Posted in: Reviews

V Promo: "Heretic's Fork"

ABC airs a new episode of V on 4/27/10. This is the official preview for "Heretic's Fork."
Posted in: V
V Review: "We Can't Win"

V Review: "We Can't Win"

In "We Can't Win", Anna brings in a new gift for the humans - blue energy. Meanwhile, someone is attacking fifth column and it is up to Erica and the resistance to find out who it is! Read our full recap to find out what happened!
Posted in: Reviews
V Review: "John May"

V Review: "John May"

In "John May", The Resistance searches for John May this week. Also, Tyler confronts Erica about the truth of his father. Read our full recap to see what happened!
Posted in: Reviews

V Quotes

Is there such a thing as an ugly Visitor?


We are of peace. Always.
