Castle Photos from "Time of Our Lives"

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We hear that Rick and Kate will finally tie the knot!  Check out these photos from Castle Season 7 Episode 6 "Time of Our Lives" which is scheduled to air Monday, November 10th on ABC. 

1. A Caskett Kiss - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

This is all fans want to see, just perhaps in wedding attire! "Time of Our Lives" is the sixth episode of Castle's seventh season.

2. An Alternate Universe - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

Castle is thrown into an alternate universe where things look a bit different. He definitely hired someone else to decorate the loft.

3. Alexis' Hair! - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

Talk about an alternate universe! What the heck happened to Alexis hair? This is going to take some getting used to.

4. A New Look - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

We have to admit, with her complexion, Alexis can pull off the darker look but we long to see her as a redhead once again.

5. Style Change - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

Even her wardrobe has undergone a change. At least Alexis is still taking a moment for some Daddy / daughter time.

6. Martha's Style - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

It's comforting to know that Martha's style remains the same no matter what the universe.

7. The Face Mask - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

We don't think we've seen Martha in a facial mask since Castle Season 1. Will she open the door for Kate Beckett in this universe as well?

8. Castle's Crazy Story Season 7 Episode 6

Will Martha and Alexis buy into Rick's crazy story? Will they be able to help him get back to the world where he and Kate are a couple?

9. Making Breakfast - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

Kate and Rick are at the loft making breakfast. Does this mean things are back to normal?

10. Things Are Looking Better - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

Things are looking up now that Rick and Kate are in one another's arms. It will get even better when we get to attend their wedding!

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Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
