Sense8: 75 Sense8tional Moments from the Series Finale!

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37. Words of Wisdom

If you weren't clapping your hands and nodding in agreement when this truth bomb was dropped were you even paying attention to the show? Sense8 is about so many things, one of which is a call to action. There was no louder battle cry than this pearl of wisdom. You better preach, Bodhi! #StayWoke

38. Origin of a Love Story

Yes, there was an actual flashback to when Nomi and Amanita met for the very first time at Amanita's bookstore. It was absolutely perfect. We wondered how those two lovebirds met and there was no better time to show it then on their wedding day.

39. Kalagang Reunion

It's the Wolfgang and Kala reunion we wanted and deserved, dammit! The two of them finally came face-to-face after all hell broke loose, and it was the best. Kala could barely contain her excitement and Wolfgang was right there to catch her and hold her up as always. Kalagang for life, y'all!

40. Capheus and Nakia

Nakia coming all the way to Paris (along with Jela and Capheus' mom) to join Capheus at Nomi and Amanita's wedding was the absolute sweetest. He was so happy having the love of his life there with him, and we can only guess the two will live happily ever after.

41. Lito is Extra AF

Lito is another character who was a bit sidelined in the finale, but he made every second count. It's funny that he was ranting about croissants and carbs just hours before and then found himself dressed up so stereotypically Parisian it was laughable and carrying around a basket filled to the max with baguettes. When Lito Rodriguez gets into character, he really commits. Thought you didn't like those stupid, villain mustaches, Lito?

42. Real Badasses Wear Pink

Find you a man who can rock a pastel pink denim jacket, light wash jeans, and a fanny pack and still be a sexy as hell, gun-wielding, stone cold badass killing anyone who so much as comes near any of his friends and family. There isn't a time when Wolfgang isn't sexy as hell, but his ability to be this occasionally violent when he needs to be, masculine, German criminal with a heart of gold while repeatedly smirking in the face of toxic masculinity makes him one of the greatest characters of all time. Don't fight me on this.

43. This Iconic Duo

Honestly, as two of the non-sensates who have been practically in on all of this since the beginning, fans couldn't wait to see this pairing meet up because we knew they would be instant friends and wouldn't disappoint. And they didn't. Damn near every moment they shared the screen together, it was gold. They could have their own spinoff.

44. Mama Bear

Finding out the lengths to which Angelica went to protect sensates everywhere was remarkable. The woman was as protective as they came, and it was a great tribute to her character showing how much she loved all of her "children."

45. Kala Gets Shot!

We didn't have to be a member of the cluster to feel the pain of that gunshot wound. When Kala was shot it was like time stopped. It was incredible watching how it affected the rest of her cluster. Everyone was paralyzed in fear and in excruciating pain. It was a harrowing scene, but it was also one of the best of the finale.

46. The Sensates' Sapiens

Obviously, we love the sensates and the show is about them, but all the loved ones and sidekicks kinda stole the series finale. It's a testament to the writing that each and every homo sapien ally and lover was just as vital as the main characters. They were all incredible, but it was especially awesome watching all of the non-sensates interact, befriend, and embrace one another so quickly. They formed their own friendships with one another and without question embraced this unusual situation and did whatever necessary to protect the people they cared about. Whether it was Dani and Amanita, Mun and Diego, Rajan and Felix, or Bug and everyone, there was this instant camaraderie that made their interactions just as entertaining as the sensates.

47. Wolfgang's Declaration of Love

Earlier, Kala told him that she loved him too, but Kala never had as many hang-ups as Wolfgang when it comes to feelings. It took him watching the woman he loved dying before his eyes to utter the words we all knew he felt with no hesitation, and Kalagang shippers everywhere swooned.

48. Hernando's Meta Philosophy

Hernando has always been a true artist and philosopher -- quiet, kind, and wise. He was living his best life in Napoli in the home of Virgil, and he did the honors of reciting the title of the episode. Amor Vincit Omnia. Love Conquers All. Isn't that the entire concept of Sense8 to begin with? It was a fun moment having Hernando utter the line while pretending to be a tour guide and storming the gates of their enemies.

49. Wolfgang and Lito Bro It Out

Wolfgang and Lito are another one of the cluster pairings that has been a favorite over the years. They also seem like an unlikely duo, but they have a genuine connection, and once everything settled down after Wolfgang's rescue, it only felt right that they would share a special moment. Wolfgang spent a lot of time coming to Lito's rescue, so it was full-circle that Lito would do the same.

50. The Woman They Love

There was no jealousy or rivalry to be had when Kala was shot. Both Wolfgang and Rajan rallied around the woman they loved fearing the absolute worst. It even led to devasting kisses and mourning by both men over the woman they thought was slain. It was an intense moment, but a great one.

51. Save Your Damn Self

Sometimes a girl has to save her damn self, and that was the case when the two men in Kala's life and the rest of her cluster were shocked and already mourning her death. She wasn't down and out yet. Kala had to pretty much talk Wolfgang and Rajan through resuscitating her as the resident medical expert of the bunch. Honestly, when will your fave ever?

52. Brother!

If you needed a reminder that Capheus is a pure soul who absolutely adores everyone he comes into contact with, Capheus catching Felix off-guard by lifting him up and calling him "brother" did the trick. Of all the sensates, Capheus is the one who embraces any and every family member and friend as though they are his own, and eventually everyone else treats him in kind. He has that effect!

53. A Couple that Slays Together ...

Stays together, and that's all we want for Sun and Mun. This couple kicks all sort of ass together, and when they fight together it's like a freaking dance. Every time they kicked people's ass while flirting with one another in the process it was like some amazing foreplay. Sun has found her equal. Couple goals!

54. It's ... Complicated

There were a few times when others inquired as to how things would work out for Kala, Wolfgang, and Rajan. The trio was in a pretty crazy love triangle. It was particularly funny when Wolfgang responded to Felix's confusion with an "it's complicated." It was even funnier when both Kala and Rajan were bashfully nodding their heads in agreement. It also served as confirmation that Rajan did, in fact, know what was going on, but didn't particularly seem too upset about it.

55. Leave No One Behind

Lito's willingness to risk his own safety to go back for Daniela and Amanita while calling them "family" was one of the best moments ever. The entire group became so close. They weren't going to make it through this experience without all of their people. No person left behind.

56. Nomi's Family Accepts Her

Nomi's mother was the biggest holdout when it came to accepting her as a transgender woman. The spiteful woman still referred to Nomi as "Michael" whenever she got the chance, and who can forget when she tried to have her go through conversion experiments? Who knew all it took was an edible offered by gay fairies at the top of the Eiffel Tower after Nomi and Aminata's wedding for the old bat to get onboard and accept her daughter?

57. Rajgang Bromance

Things could have gotten really awkward when Rajan learned the truth and find out that his wife was in love with some strange German whom he never met. Oddly enough, Rajan took it all in stride, and Rajan and Wolfgang developed a bit of a bromance in the background for the remainder of the finale event.

58. Ms. Van Damme

Capheus had been gushing about Sun to Jela for so long, so it was satisfying that he could finally introduce his best friend to the woman who repeatedly saved his life and the lives of his community multiple times. Fanboying commenced, and honestly, aren't we all as crazy for Sun as Capheus and Jela?

59. Respect

Wolfgang doesn't let too many people into his inner circle. Aside from Felix, he always managed to be a bit of a loner. Nevertheless, he's the most protective of all the people in his circle and the way to win his respect is to look after the people he cares about which is something Rajan did, but Rajan also saved him multiple times too. Knowing that things could have been awkward between the two men in Kala's life, Wolfie respected Rajan being an honorable man.

60. Duh, We're Connected!

Riley and Will taking turns reminding one another that they know things because the others know it, never stopped being entertaining. Of course Riley knows how to handle a weapon. Her boyfriend and fellow sensate whom she's connected to the most is a cop.

61. The Sunshine Twins

Capheus was underused so every second with him was precious, but you know what was super adorable? Capheus and Kala holding hands. They are the two purest, sweetest members of the cluster. They have a special bond being from countries often deemed "third-world" by outsiders. They bonded via Kala's pharmaceutical background and Capheus' ill mother. They didn't get very much one-on-one time during the finale, but this sweet moment made up for it.

62. Man Down

Poor Felix can never catch a break. The bad news is that he ended up shot again in the finale, but the good news is it gave us Wolfgang lifting his brother up like he was nothing and carting him away while Felix fired off a few more shots for good measure.

63. Trio Goals

Hernando, Daniela, and Lito had one of the most interesting story arcs of the series. It's remarkable to think how they began and where they ended up. The three of them became a package deal and a real family. When Lito ran off to tend to the other members of his cluster, Dani and Hernando were right behind him.

64. Besties Undercover

Everything about the tourist scene was comedic gold, but there was something about Wolfgang dressed in a pink denim jacket and a fanny pack playing the boyfriend of his best friend and brother Felix that had most of us cracking up! You gotta love these two!

65. Boys and Their Toys

It's not a quality finale unless Wolfgang brings out the rocket launcher. It's his favorite toy after all. The man can do no wrong and that includes firing a bazooka like something ripped from an action movie. Yes, yes, and more yes! It's Wolfgang at his absolute sexiest. I'm just saying.

66. Food Appreciation

Felix is a gosh damn gem of a character, and he reminded us why we love him so much when he finally joined the others. I mean, who doesn't love pizza? Felix is all of us.

67. Burn It Down

One of the best things about the cluster is the fact that they all are so vastly different but respect one another's skillsets. Wolfie swore he would kill Lila and Whispers and enjoy doing it, and that's exactly what he did. With a kickass rocket launcher reducing the chopper to ashes. It wasn't just his cluster in awe of his badassery. I was too. Hell yeah!

68. When Bae Gives You That Look, Can You Say No? Hell No!

Kala, Wolfgang, and Rajan refused to talk about this weird predicament they found themselves in, but Wolfie being the little sh!t that he is, decided to take matters into his own hands. Wolfie patting the bed and flashing that sexy, smug, come-hither grin of his wasn't a real surprise. He's notoriously messy and always came across sexually fluid. Kala being into the idea was only slightly surprising, but Rajan being totally game for kicking off a threesome/poly experience with his wife and her soulmate was a jaw-dropper. Then again, would anyone say "no" to Wolfie?

69. Jonas and Angelica Together At Last

Jonas finally was able to honor his deceased lover's wishes, and it led to his own demise. He was a slippery character who most could never figure out, but in the end, he helped the cluster. His reward was reuniting with Angelica, and it was moving.

70. Who Needs A Love Triangle When You Can Have a Throuple?

Throughout the finale, Rajan became one of the most lovable characters and it made it harder to root for Kalagang to be endgame. I mean, we were still rooting for them, but we didn't want to see Rajan hurt in the process. Yeah, well, this is sense8. They gave us the best possible solution to this love triangle by not making it a love triangle at all. Kala loves both men. Both men love her, and both men have come to genuinely like and respect one another. It was especially refreshing given the fact that it was a woman with two men for a change, and of course it was liberating for an Indian couple who was immersed in so many Hindu and Indian cultures and traditions. Ralagang is the 'ship we never knew we wanted and needed.

71. A Shocking Kiss

Rajan and Wolfgang sharing a kiss solidified that they and Kala were officially a polyamorous throuple not just some threesome. The two men didn't spend much time together given the quick nature that everything transpired, but they developed a mutual respect and attraction throughout the finale, and that culminated with them sharing their own kiss with Kala nearby. Anyone else getting overheated?

72. Proud Cluster Mama

Angelica's spirit at Nomanita's wedding looking on as all of her children lived happy and healthy without fear of BPO was an exceptional moment. It was rewarding for a woman who literally died to save her children all over the world.

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