15 Fun TV Workplaces Worth Celebrating

Celebrating National Have Fun At Work Day means reflecting on the fictional TV workplaces that we would like to work at, or that we love to see on our screens.

23 TV Spouses That Are Actual Goals For Us

It is all about the TV couples that make us feel like they are actual goals, either because we want their relationship or we just want to be included in it.

23 of the Most Enviable TV Hugs EVER!

There is no celebrating National Hugging Day without looking back at all the TV hugs we wish we could have been a part of in some way.

13 Similar TV Ships You Should Take for a Sail

Did you just finish a series? Are you looking for a new ship to ruin your life? Don't worry! We put together an "If you ship this, you'll probably ship that!"

13 Characters Who Melt at the Sight of Their Love

Don't you just love those characters who can't help but melt around one specific person? No matter how collected they act around everyone else? They're absolute goners!

13 Sexist Characters We Can't Help But Love

There is nothing good to say about sexism, but these characters have proved the heart is fickle because we enjoy their presence more than we logically should.

17 TV Couples That You Forgot Dated

There are just those TV couples that happened and yet you completely forgot that they ever dated. Which TV couples do you always forget were together at some point?

13 Funniest Shows of 2018

It is said that laughter is the best medicine, and in 2018, there were more than a few shows that tickled our funny bone. Here are our favorites!

27 Internet Girlfriends You Should Still Be Crushing On

Sometimes you just need to celebrate the best girlfriends that television has given the internet. Here is a collection of the characters you should still be obsessed with.

23 Most Diverse Casting and Representation of 2018

Television should be about making your audience feel included in the narrative that you're creating, these shows achieved just that with their diverse casting and writing.

23 Most Romantic Moments of 2018

There's nothing better than living vicariously through our favorite character's epic love story. Check out our 23 Most Romantic Moments of 2018!

23 Most Headscratching Cancelations of 2018

Tell me that did not just happen! 2018 was a crushing year for TV as networks canceled some of our most beloved shows. Which 2018 TV cancelation hurt you the most?