12 of the Worst Plot Twists of 2018

Sometimes our favorite TV shows take a wrong turn, and we're left scratching our heads in wonder. Here are the worst plot twists we've had to deal with in 2018.

42 TV Celebrities Who've Spent Time in the Slammer

TV celebrities live a posh lifestyle, but when they mess with the law, they're thrown in the slammer like everyone else. Some are in for hours, and some are in for life.

21 TV Characters Who Could Use A Therapist

October is the mental health awareness month, but our dedication to our beloved yet troubled characters need to be on a daily basis. Is your favorite character a part of the list?

27 TV Characters Who Would Host a Mean Dinner Party

There's nothing like bonding with a friend or TV character over a good meal. We'd love these characters to send us a dinner invitation, pronto!

19 Surprising TV Actors Who Also Direct

The art of acting doesn't necessarily end in front of the camera; sometimes it's behind. Some of your favorite actors also have directed your favorite shows. Has yours?

18 Brilliant (and Scary) Computer Hackers on TV Shows

Hackers and computer programmers can either serve as villains or heroes, depending on what they're getting accomplished. We want this group on our team.

27 Of The Most Seductive Serial Killers On TV

They have the visages of Greek gods and goddesses but possess hearts as dark as coal. These 27 characters slay in the figurative and literal sense!!

31 of the Finest Gentlemen on Television

There are plenty of hot men on television, but it's the true gents that really set our souls on fire. Here are 37 men we think fit the bill.

19 Scientific Sweethearts Who Live for the Lab!

Whether in a science lab, crime lab, or computer lab, these characters love what they do and they do it well. Did your lab geek make the cut? Read on to find out!

45 Baddies We Unapologetically Adore!

There are some baddies that are loathsome, but there are many we love and even root for no matter what they do. Check out a list of our favorite baddies inside!

21 Hilarious Fictional Duos Who Deserve Their Own Sitcoms

The best characters are able to create amazing comedic moments simply by interacting with each other. Here are 21 fictional duos who deserve their own sitcoms!

23 Characters Who Are as American as Apple Pie

These characters represent the best of America, and they're as downhome as apple pie. They live for their country and it shows. Who can you see waving the flag?

Criminal Minds Quotes

Morgan: (discussing Viper) We need to bait him with someone he sees as a challenge.
Reid: To study his style up close and personal is going to take someone that he's already attracted to.
(all eyes are on Emily)
Prentiss: Ahh, oh, this is really gonna suck.

Garcia: Sir, does this guy stuff actually work on real, breathing girls?
Hotchner: (confused) Why are you asking me?
Garcia: I abhor the whole chicks-dig-jerks thing.
Hotchner: Well, fortunately, Garcia, you are one of the exceptions.
Garcia: Be still my bespeckled heart. So are you, sir.
Hotchner: (smiling) Thanks.