19 TV Funerals That Punched Us In the Gut

The death of your favorite TV character is never easy, and the send-off can feel a bit like putting a bandaid on a bullet hole. Here are a few of the most gut-wrenching TV funerals we've seen.

19 Underappreciated TV Moms Who Deserve More Credit

This Mother's Day we've decided to give some love to the television moms who need it. Check out 19 television mothers who deserve more recognition!

21 Complicated Mother/Daughter Relationships from the Last 15 Years

Mothers and daughters will always have complicated relationships, but some are more complicated than others. We've got several from the last 15 years for your enjoyment!

31 'Ship Teases That Were Downright Cruel

We can't always get what we want. And if we do, well let's be honest, there's usually a catch. Which 'ship teases infuriated your shipper heart?

11 Characters Who Accidentally Cheated on Their Partner

How can you accidentally cheat on your significant other? Television has proven that it's more likely than you would think. Check out 11 characters who did the deed.

13 Love Triangles That Left Us Genuinely Torn

When it comes to love triangles, the majority of the audience is usually rooting for one person or the other. But, then again, that's not always the case.

17 Chilling TV Shows You Should Watch With the Lights On

Is it ever the wrong time to watch a scary show? We've created a list of 17 chilling series that you'll want to make sure you watch in broad daylight.

13 TV Characters On a Serious Power Trip

Power is addictive. The more you have it, the more you want. These 13 TV characters will do anything to rule their worlds and keep their power alive.

19 of the Most Unpredictable Duos on TV

Do you ever get sick of characters who are thoroughly predictable? We put together a list of dicey duos whose actions you can never see coming!

13 of the Worst Relationships Currently on Television

What current TV ship can you not stand? You probably didn't have to think too long about it. Check out 13 couples on television we really hope calls it quits.

21 Times TV 'Ships Broke Our Hearts

Has your favorite TV couple ever gone through so much angst you felt like you were going through all the pain with them? Here's 21 times it happened to us.

19 Secondary Romances that Surpassed Expectations

They may not be the show's main focus, but that doesn't mean they're not ours. What's a secondary romance on television that went above and beyond for you?

The Handmaid's Tale Quotes

A priest, a doctor, a gay man. I think I heard that joke once. This wasn't the punchline.


A window with white curtains. The glass is shatterproof, but it isn't running away that they're afraid of. A Handmaid wouldn't get far. It's those other escapes, the ones you can open in yourself given a cutting edge or a twisted shape and a chandelier. It's harder on Ceremony Day, but thinking can hurt your chances. My name is Offred. I had another name, but it's forbidden now. So many things are forbidden now.
