Kelley Menighan Hensley

Kelley Menighan Hensley was born in Glenview, Illinois.

She won the Daytime Emmy Nomination in 2002 for Best Supporting Actress in 1992 for her role as Emily Stewart Snyder Munson Ryan. Four years later, she married her co-star Jon Hensley and had two children.

Role Show
Emily Stewart As the World Turns

As the World Turns Quotes

Noah: You know if I do stay here, I do have one condition
Luke: Oh yeah? Whats that?
Noah: You better not hog all the covers.

Noah: Do you just not like me?
Luke: No, I like you Noah.
Noah: Then why do you keep pushing me away?
Luke: Because...I like you Noah.
Noah looks surprised.
Luke: Yeah, like that.