Sally Pressman Hints at Season Finale Drama

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Army Wives star Sally Pressman revealed a little piece of info to E! Online in its recent spoiler Q & A. Here's what Sally had to say about Sunday's season finale ...

Q: The Army Wives finale is in this week! Dish!

A: According to Sally Pressman (Roxy LeBlanc), "I think the season finale is about conflict - all of the relationships on the show are a little bit tenuous, and then there's a big cliffhanger at the end. It's a big thing that involves all the characters."

Roxy and Trevor LeBlanc

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Army Wives Quotes

Give me everything you've got, baby doll, or you're gonna be looking at me from the floor.


Michael Holden: Claudia Joy Holden, after 17 years of marriage my heart still skips a beat every time I look at you.
Claudia Joy Holden: Michael James Holden, after 17 years of marriage I can't believe that tired old line of yours still works.

Army Wives Music

  Song Artist
Tangled Up Gareth Dunlop iTunes
Song Pulling on a Line The Great Lake Swimmers iTunes
Bright Morning Stars Abigail Washburn iTunes