How I Met Your Mother Spoiler Pics: Barney is Fat

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How I Met Your Mother is one of the funniest shows on TV. But this isn't a joking matter:

On the sitcom's November 9 installment, Barney Stinson gives in to what producer Carter Bays refers to as a "relationship gut." Having already gotten the girl (Robin), the character really lets himself go, risking diabetes and heart disease.

"It’s a phenomenon that a lot of people can relate to, certainly more than a few people on our writing staff. It’s relationship gut,” Bays told People magazine.

Fat Barney
Overstuffed Stinson

The show's co-creator added that Neal Patrick Harris was more than game to don a fat suit:

“He was loving it. He was like, ‘Give me the biggest fat suit you’ve got.’”

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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