Cable Ratings: Game of Thrones Hits New Highs, Teen Wolf Flounders

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Game of Thrones is in a league of its own. 

The veteran HBO drama managed to break more records on Sunday night for Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5, which was an episode packed with reveals. 

What's Going On? - Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5

It secured 10.7 million viewers and a 5.0 rating among adults 18-49. The rise could be attributed to Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4, which left the fate of a fan favorite character up in the air. 

The series has been knocking it out of the park every week throughout Season 7, and that's because the show is setting up for the end. There are just eight episodes left.

A Bastard No More - Game of Thrones

Given the ratings, it's no wonder HBO is trying its best to keep the franchise alive with spin-offs. 

Elsewhere on Sunday night, Ray Donovan perked up to a 0.3 rating among adults 18-49. That puts it right on par with Ray Donovan Season 4's average in the demo. 

Claws closed out Season 1 with its second-highest ratings yet. It achieved 1.6 million viewers and a 0.6 rating. 

Figuring Their Next Move - Claws Season 1 Episode 10

Despite the final few episodes of Power Season 4 leaking online, the show remained stable at 1.8 million viewers and a 0.8 rating. 

Rick & Morty (2.7 million/1.4 rating) continued in winning fashion, emerging as the highest rated cable series aside from Game of Thrones on the night. 

It's hard to imagine MTV pulling the trigger on a Teen Wolf revival when you consider how dire the ratings have been.

It had just 0.4 million viewers and a 0.2 rating on Sunday. 

Channeling a Premonition  - Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 13


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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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