Fresh Off the Boat: ABC Boss Reacts to Constance Wu's Controversial Tweets

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ABC is not about to relieve Constance Wu of her duties as a series regular on Fresh Off the Boat. 

Karey Burke, the president of entertainment at the Alphabet network has opened up about Wu's controversial tweet storm in the aftermath of the popular drama getting renewed. 

“There’s been no thoughts of recasting Constance. We love what she does on the show, and we love the show,” said Burke revealed during a conference call with reporters.

“I did know that she had another opportunity that, had Fresh Off the Boat not gone forward, she would have pursued. But we never really considered not bringing the show back. It’s just too strong for us.”

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Burke also revealed that she is "going to choose to believe Constance's most recent communications about the show."

“The cast and crew is happy to have her back, and we’re thrilled to have her on the show,” she concluded.

The drama started on May 10 when Wu took to Twitter moments after Fresh Off the Boat was renewed for a sixth season, and she did not seem impressed about the decision to renew the series. 

“So upset right now that I’m literally crying. Ugh. F—k,” she tweeted, following that up with a tweet that read, “F—king hell.”

While many questioned whether the tweets were actually related to the popular comedy series, Wu responded to a fan who said it was "great news" that the show was coming back. 

"No, it’s not,” she shot back at the fan. 

As if that wasn't bad enough, she went to the show's official Instagram account and wrote "Dislike" below the post about the show's renewal. 

But what made Wu go on the offensive about the show? 

I love [Fresh Off the Boat]. I was temporarily upset yesterday not because I hate the show but because its renewal meant I had to give up another project that I was really passionate about,” she wrote on Twitter on Saturday. 

“So my dismayed social media replies were more about that other project and not about FOTB. But I understand how that could feel interconnected and could get muddled."

"So here is me unmuddling it with my truth: FOTB is a great show that I’m proud of and that I enjoy. I’ve gotten to fully explore my character and I know her like the back of my hand.”

“I know it’s a huge privilege that I even have options — options that FOTB has afforded me,” she continued.

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“People can hold conflicting feelings in their hearts — that conflict is a part of being human. So I can both love the show/cast/crew but at the same time be disappointed that I lost that other unrelated job.”

What are your thoughts on the matter?

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Fresh Off the Boat Quotes

Louis: Are you ready to do this?
Mitch:: Not really, I feel like I've told you numerous times, I don't want to do this but all you do is smile and nod.
Louis: [Smiles and nods]
Mitch: You're doing it.
Louis: [Smiles and nods[
Mitch: See, you're doing it

If you get lost, try to find a white family. You will be safe there until I can find you.
