Inga Parkel

Inga Parkel

Inga is an avid TV watcher and critic, focusing a majority of her articles around LGBTQ+ representation in the media.
Fresh Off the Boat Season 6 Episode 1: Help Unwanted

Fresh Off the Boat Review: Help Unwanted

On Fresh Off the Boat Season 6 Episode 1 Evan experiences his first bout of "the tingles," Jessica and Honey are learning boundaries, and someone has to give "the talk."
Posted in: Reviews
LGBTQ+ Tropes on TV Need to Stop

LGBTQ+ Tropes on TV Need to Stop

Just about every TV show wants to claim an LGBTQ+ character. Either to meet a quota or to appeal to a mass audience. Here we reveal the problems and offer solutions.
Posted in: Glee
17 Shows that Aged like Fine Wine

17 Shows that Aged like Fine Wine

Shows either shine brightly throughout their entire airing, or fizzle out and continue beyond their glory days. Find out which TV shows stayed strong until the very end!
Posted in: House
17 Unpopular Opinions in the TV World

17 Unpopular Opinions in the TV World

Not all TV shows leave the fanbase in agreement. We've assembled a compilation of some unpopular opinions that may infuriate you. Did we touch a nerve?
Posted in: HIMYM