Evelyn: Kingstown needs a cleanup. I'm the fucking janitor.
Mike: You should put that in your campaign.

Mike: Don't let it happen again.
Evelyn: You're fucking classic McLusky, man. I threaten to arrest you. You promise to protect me.
Mike: Yeah. I promise.

Kyle: I can't believe I'm doing this. Her gone. It's fucked up.
Mike: Terribly fucked up.
Kyle: And I'm fucking terrified, Mike.
Mike: You should be. You should be fucking terrified. Parenting is scary as fuck, man.
Kyle: How the fuck would you know?
Mike: I don't. I wouldn't. It's what Mom said.

Mitch told me in the world, 5% of people are truly good. Five percent are evil. The rest of us, we wrestle between the two. Who we are, what we are. What we're willing to do. As months went by, and years, I could see Mitch trying to figure out which side I'd land on. He told me when evil cuts down the good, it's like the universe shifts. The scales topple. When that happens, there has to be a reckoning. There has to be retribution. Balance must be restored. Mitch said I'd end up on one of those extremes. That what I choose would determine how the scales would be balanced. Which side I was on. Who I would be.


Mike: Where's your security detail, by the way?
Evelyn: I'm going after anyone -- Mike anyone -- that my predecessor was too fucking chicken-shit to pursue politically. Or just too fucking chicken shit generally. And I promise you, Mike, if your name comes up, any association, I'm going to roll you up with the rest. I fucking swear to Christ.
Mike: Yeah. Stop swearing to all this stuff. Alright. I hear you. Okay. I hear you. Roll me the fuck up. Where's your security detail?
Evelyn: I cut them loose.
Mike: Hey. Not smart.
Evelyn: I go after cops, Mike. You think I want them watching my back? No. Thank you. It's too risky.
Mike: I don't give a flying shit, Evelyn. Look. Look what happened to Lockett. Okay. You need guns. You need that security detail. You hear me?
Evelyn: Yeah. I have a gun.
Mike: Nobody fucking cares. About your gun. Alright? Now you tell me who they are, I'll vet them. I'll make sure they're straight from the fucking academy. Okay? Their cherry's still intact.
Evelyn: Oh my God. That's just lovely. That's lovely.
Mike: Okay, I'm not fucking around. I'm serious.
Evelyn: I know.
Mike: Don't let it happen again.

Police captain Moore: Kevin. Hey, you good?
Rookie Guard Jackson: Yes sir. I even hit the gate.
Moore: Yeah, that's right. That's right. Listen, your training was too accelerated. We all know it. The staff here. DOC. But we bled so much in the riot.
Jackson: I'm happy to be here, sir. Happy to serve.
Moore: Yeah. Your family in corrections?
Jackson: Incarcerated, sir, where I'm from.
Moore: Listen, so you're good with what you witnessed?
Jackson: I seen people die before.
Moore: Yeah. I was told that you tried to -- you tried to help the inmate.
Jackson: It wasn't a whole lot I could do.
Moore: No. It wasn't. Don't -- don't ever do that again, son. Ever.
Jackson: Yes, yes sir.
Moore: It won't be the last time you'll experience that violence. But it will be the last time you offer aid before the seniors secure and you have backup. You're lucky to be going home. You hear what I'm saying?
Jackson: Yes Warden.

Lindy: We can't go with you. You're not one of us. It was kind of you to save our lives, but it is our duty to bring the culture of Finetime to wherever we go.
Guy: You have a magic box that's bigger on the inside? That's voodoo. We can't have that.
Doctor: I don't care what you think of me, but I would do anything if you would just let me save your lives.
Guy: Turn away, Lindy, before you're contaminated.

Lindy, listen to me. You may be next, but you're not going to die. I'm not going to let you die. The monsters aren't down here, and even if they come, they're slow. And I just have to put in 30 more codes and we're gone.


Lindy: I thought this was the worst day of my life, but maybe it's the best.
Ricky: There are still thousands of people being eaten alive.

You don't have to like me. All you need to do is let me get you out.


Lindy: I can't do it.
Ruby: What do you mean, you can't do it?
Lindy: I can't walk.
Ruby: You can't walk?
Lindy: I don't know how to walk without the arrows.

Doctor: If you follow those arrows, you could walk right into one of those things and it could swallow you up.
Ruby: Doctor!

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