A Discovery of Witches News

26 Wickedly Awesome TV Witches

26 Wickedly Awesome TV Witches

Tis the season! Whether wicked or charming, these beloved television witches cast a spell on us! Want to see if your favorite witch made the list? Read on to find out!
Posted in: Game of Thrones
21 Interspecies Romances

21 Interspecies Romances

True love has no limitations. You don't have to be from the same planet or background to fall for each other. We created a list of 21 interspecies romances!
Posted in: True Blood
A Discovery of Witches Season 1 Episode 7 Review: Madison

A Discovery of Witches Review: Madison

On A Discovery of Witches Season 1 Episode 7 Matthew and Diana head to her home in Madison to escape the madness and so she can find out about getting spellbound.
Posted in: Reviews

A Discovery of Witches Quotes

I'm still not comfortable around magic, especially after what happened to my parents. I still find it... I just find it difficult.


Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now. We, creatures, have all but disappeared. Demons, vampires, and witches hiding in plain sight, fearful of discovery, ill at ease even with each other. But, as my father used to say, in every ending, there is a new beginning.
