On American Crime Season 1 Episode 9, Aubry makes a shocking confession which could change things for Carter. Tony gets a strong dose of reality.


When you watch American Crime Season 1 Episode 9, shocking truths will be revealed. Aubry's mom is deteremined to get Aubry and Carter away from each other and even goes as far as getting Aliyah involved in the plan. Aliyah agrees to let her go see Carter if she thinks it will actually convince him to let go of Aubry. At the prison, Aubry's mom makes a compelling argument for her daugher and tells Carter that if they continues to stay together Aubry is going to end up dead. Carter doesn't want to listen to the truth, but when he goes in for her preliminary hearing and Hector takes the stand, Carter has a change of heart and decides to send a letter to Aubry which signals the end of their relationship. Aubry gets angry and she decides to send Carter a message, she gets the police, her mom and her lawyer together and confesses she is the one who killed Matt and hurt Gwen. Aubry puts together a clear picture of what happend that night and there is even video evidence which puts her at the scene of the crime. Meanwhile, in the juvenile facility, Tony is in class when Edgar finally snaps and tries to be violent towards the teachers and cops. When they are trying to restrain him, he starts convulsing and he dies. Tony finally gets a clear picture of how his life can turn out and wants to get out of there as quickly as possible and wants to change. Alonzo sells his business so he can afford a good lawyer to get Tony out of there.

Episode Details

On American Crime Season 1 Episode 9, Aubry makes a shocking confession which could change things for Carter. Tony gets a strong dose of reality.

Rating: 3.5 / 5.0 (8 Votes)
American Crime
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