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Ray tells Nora that he thinks they should move on from the Waverider to start their life together. 

Ray and Nora tell the Legends their plan. They will do one final mission, and then they are leaving. Ray refuses to tell Nate.

Mona returns for book club.

Astra recalls Marie Antoinette's and Rasputin's souls to hell.

The Legends travel to London in 1594 to find a piece of the Loom of Fate, disguised as a ring, that Charlie left with Shakespeare.

He gave the ring to his producer, Phillip Henslowe, to buy him more time to finish Romeo and Juliet.

Charlie gets the ring.

Nate throws Ray a bachelor party in 1594 London.

Zari joins the book club, and it turns into a bachelorette party for Nora.

Astra confides in the coin maker about her deal with Constantine. She is the one who raised Astra after she was sent to hell, and she wants Astra to find the Loom for herself.

The coin maker shows her a way to spy on Constantine.

Mick tells the men and Charlie that he has a kid.

They all get into a drunken bar fight and use their powers.

Constantine senses Astra spying on him. He sends her back.

Nate tries to mind wipe the crowd, but ends up mind wiping the Legends instead.

Nora sees that her Romeo and Juliet book has turned into a superhero play.

Ray talks to Shakespeare and convinces him to stop writing his play.

Nate overhears Ray telling Shakespeare he is leaving the Legends.

Nate confronts Ray and they fight.

Gideon tells them that Shakespeare never puts on Romeo and Juliet.

Shakespeare tells Nate and Zari that Henslowe shut down the play because he thought he stole his ring.

The Legends put on Romeo and Juliet themselves.

Nate runs back to the ship to apologize and say goodbye to Ray. 

Astra wakes up after Constantine blasted her back. She tells the coin maker that she heard him talking about the Loom of Fate.

The Legends toast to Ray with his green juice.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 5 Episode 7 Quotes

Sara: Gideon set a course.
Gideon: Affirmative, Captain. And speaking of setting a new course...
Ray: Of course she means Sara please give us one of those terrific, period-specific send-offs.
Sara: Fine. Enjoy the jolly ol’ London, ya blokes!
Nate: That was bad.
Constantine: And frankly offensive.

Saying goodbye to Nate is my biggest mission yet.
