On Doctor Who Season 10 Episode 6, the Doctor and his crew end up getting stuck in a spaceship and must battle with deadly killer spacesuits.

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When you watch Doctor Who Season 10 Episode 6 online, the Doctor is definitely feeling antsy at being stuck on Earth guarding the Vault, so he decides to take a trip with Bill into space, with a grumpy and complaining Nardole along for the ride. He answers a distress call from a mining facility, and when the TARDIS lands, they discover that there is no oxygen inside the space station. Furthermore, they quickly discover one of the crew members, quite dead but still standing, courtesy of his "smartsuit". Unfortunately, he's not the only one of these smartsuit zombies, and the three adventurers are put on the clock themselves when they're cut off from the TARDIS and forced to don smartsuits of their own. With limited oxygen allowed to them and pursued by smartsuit zombies, they flee deeper into the station in the hopes of finding any surviving members of the crew. What caused the deaths of so many of the crew members of this mining facility? Was it some sort of catastrophic technological malfunction, or is there something far more sinister at play? With time running out, can the Doctor, Bill, and Nardole save the survivors... and themselves? Find out what happens when you watch Doctor Who Season 10 Episode 6 online!

Episode Details

On Doctor Who Season 10 Episode 6, the Doctor and his crew end up getting stuck in a spaceship and must battle with deadly killer spacesuits.

Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (64 Votes)
Doctor Who
Episode Number:

Doctor Who Season 10 Episode 6 Quotes

Bill: What is that?
The Doctor: *That* is my theme tune, otherwise known as a distress call!
Bill: You *like* distress calls?
The Doctor: You only really see the true face of the universe when it’s asking for your help.

Space, the final frontier. ‘Final,’ because it wants to kill us.

The Doctor