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Zoe sees how Wade flirts with other women. She tells him to stop. Wade tries, but needs help from Lavon. He tells a group of women he needs to stop flirting with them and leading them on. They are insulted and tell him he's full of himself. He eventually apologizes and makes things right with them. Zoe sees him flirting again, but realizes Wade is harmless.

Lemon tells Brick about seeing him with Alice. She says she wants nothing to do with her. Alice comes to see Lemon, but Lemon sends her away. Later, Lemon sees her half sister, Scarlett. Lemon confronts Alice, but accidently reveals too much in front of a clueless Scarlett. Lemon tells Lavon about what happened. She also tells him Annabeth gave her blessing. Lavon says he's all in. Lemon goes to Alice's home, but to see Scarlett. Lemon and Magnolia take Scarlett to the Rammer Jammer to bond with her.

Annabeth and George decide to go on their first date. They each get approval from Lavon and Lemon. Annabeth and George realize every place in town holds some meaning from former relationships. They go to a brand new restaurant despite the terrible reviews. The place lives up to its reputation. They each get sick. When they eventually feel better, they share a first kiss.

Shelby tells Magnolia that she knows she doesn't like her. However, she loves Brick, and that means she love Magnolia too.

Hart of Dixie
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Hart of Dixie Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

I mean, I realize us dating each other's exes is stranger than a three-legged dog in a horse race, but that's BlueBell, right?


Zoe: What is our son gonna think? That he can shirk all his grown up responsibilities by batting his lashes and getting some woman to do it for him?
Wade: Well it is the Kinsella way.