On Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 5, the team goes after a city employee who is abusing his power and hiring unqualified lifeguards in exchange for sex.


Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 5 revolves around a chief lifeguard who is abusing his employees.

When a kid named Diego is arrested for drunken behavior, he claims that Paul Grecko, the head lifeguard, raped him. The next morning, he claims he was just saying drunken nonsense, but Fin gets the truth out of him. Grecko raped him and then gave him top positions and all the overtime he wanted. He is worried that Grecko is doing the same thing to his sister.

Grecko claims that Diego is lying and that he thinks Diego is on drugs. Muncie and Velasco head to the beach, where they are surprised to find out that Diego is working. Diego has been made to swim laps as punishment for being hungover. He goes out too far and the lifeguard on duty does nothing. Valesco jumps in to save him, but it's too late.

The cops are determined to get Grecko, but another girl who was also raped by him refuses to testify because Grecko threatens to have her father sent back to jail, so the case falls apart. However, the cops realize that Grecko's lifeguards were unqualified and that Diego is not the only one to drown because of it. Grecko's assistant comes forward with proof Grecko fixed test scores to hire unqualified lifeguards in exchange for sex and money. Carisi decides to charge him with Murder 2.

To find out what happens, watch Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 5 online.

Episode Details

On Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 5, a man asks SVU for help when he suspects his boss is preying on his sister and Velasco deals with a reluctant witness.

Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (12 Votes)
Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 5 Quotes

Rollins: A bullet?
Fin: Like the one you were shot with. You have to own your trauma or your trauma will own you.

Rollins: I'm going to go put my feet on the couch and wait for Carisi.
Fin: You two live together yet?
Rollins: He has a drawer.
Fin: It's a waste of gas if you ask me.