Nashville News

Nashville Season 5 Episode 12 Review: Back in the Saddle Again

Nashville Review: Try Again, Fail Better

On Nashville Season 5 Episode 12, Deacon worries about Daphne, Maddie refocuses on her career with the hope of her new manager and Scarlett finds out the father of her baby.
Posted in: Reviews
13 Reasons to Mourn Rayna James

13 Reasons to Mourn Rayna James

Nashville fans were shocked when Rayna Jaymes died last week. Look back on her biggest accomplishments, remember her best qualities, and cherish the moments we got to share with her.
Posted in: Nashville

Nashville Quotes

Deacon: Rayna took her knocks.
Juliette: What? In a mansion in Belle Meade?

Maddie: ...and side boob.
Rayna: Side, what the hell did you just say?