The McMurrays - Ride
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The McMurrays gather for breakfast on race day. The matriarch, Isabel, won't let anyone badmouth Cash because he's not there to defend himself.

Cash returns from the service just in time for Austin's race, and the brothers exchange words.

Austin summons Valeria and needs her help. Cash greets the rest of his family. Austin says he's riding in honor of his family. As the clock hit eight seconds, a tragic accident occurs.

A year later, Tuff notices a foreclosure notice for the ranch, and Cash prepares for his first bull-riding race. Missy wonders where her place is now that Austin is gone.

Missy runs into Valeria in town and is hurt her friend abandoned them.

Missy charms everyone at the rodeo and wants to become a brand ambassador. Hank tries to convince Isobel to let JB sign Cash as well.

Isobel breaks down, thinking of signing away another son's future, and Valeria arrives. Even with the tension, Isabel invites her to stay.

Tuff tells Missy that Cash needs him. Missy and Cash bond talking around the bonfire and almost kiss.

Valeria hates that she can't tell the McMurrays why she really returned. Valeria and Missy go to the bar with Cash, and Cash and Missy slow dance.

When Isabel gets an offer on the ranch, Valeria offers to help her save it.

Cash hears Missy wants to leave and isn't in a good riding head space. Missy gives him a pep talk, and he stays on for eight seconds.

Isabel wants to rescue the ranch and asks for her honorary daughters' help.






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Ride Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Missy: It’s your first official ride. All I’m saying is you've got to make sure you’re doing it for you and not for them.
Cash: You know, around here, there’s no difference.

Austin: First time I see you in years, and here you are trash-talking me to my wife.
Cash: Austin, it’s not like that.