Beard and Ted's Funeral Adventure - Ted Lasso Season 2 Episode 10
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Rebecca and Sam discuss going public with their relationship, but their sexy times are interrupted when Deborah arrives with the news of the passing of Rebecca's dad, Paul.

At Nelson Road, the coaches, Higgins, and Keeley discuss their respective afterlife beliefs and hopes. Roy is adamant about there being no afterlife which disturbs Keeley.

Meanwhile, Isaac tells the team they're attending the funeral and to dress appropriately -- no trainers allowed. 

At Keeley's place, she and Roy are getting ready for the funeral when Keeley asks Roy about his burial wishes and also discusses how she would like to be buried after she dies. Roy thinks the conversation is mental, which angers Keeley.

Ted is getting ready for the funeral when he has a panic attack.  He calls Sharon.

Outside the church, Deborah and Rebecca receive the mourners, which includes Rupert.  

Sharon arrives at Ted's.  He's calmer but still in disarray.  Sharon gets Ted to open up about his dad's suicide.  

Rebecca tells her mom she won't be giving a eulogy because she's angry at Paul for cheating on Deborah. To Rebecca's shock and horror, Deborah reveals she knew about the cheating. 

Rebecca hates Deborah for letting Paul treating her this way, but Deborah tells her side of the story. They seem to make peace when the minister says it's time.

Ted arrives just as Rebecca is about to give the eulogy. Rebecca can't think of anything to say, so she sings "Never Gonna Give You." When she falters, Ted gets everyone to sing, which gives Rebecca the strength to finish the song.

At Deborah's house, Jamie declares his love for Keeley. Roy apologizes and reaffirms his love for Keeley. Rebecca breaks up with Sam.

Later, Deborah and Rebecca spend the night looking at photos and watching videos.


Ted Lasso
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Ted Lasso Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Beard: You know, if you weigh a person's body right after death, it's 21.3 grams lighter. Some say that's the weight of a soul.
Roy: Whoever figured that out clearly weighed someone, murdered them, then weighed them again. You live; you die; you're done. End of story. Good night.

Keeley: Roy, if you died, do you want to be buried or cremated? Like, if you were hit by a bus today, what do I do?
Roy: Go after bus driver and make him pay for what he did to me. Avenge me, Keeley, avenge me!