The OC News

11 Most Epic New Year's Kisses

11 Most Epic New Year's Kisses

New Year's is a time for friends, parties, resolutions, and of course, kisses! What's your favorite end of year lip lock? Here's 11 of ours!
Posted in: Friends
14 Shows That Alienated Their Fan Base

14 Shows That Alienated Their Fan Base

Good TV shows can go bad in an instant and it makes us viewers question why we watched in the first place. We have a list of 14 TV shows that alienated their fan base.
Posted in: Arrow
19 Ladies Who Tamed TV's Bad Boys

19 Ladies Who Tamed TV's Bad Boys

We know all about the bad boys. Let's celebrate the ladies who whipped them in to shape! Read on for our list of awesome women who reformed TV's most broken men.
Posted in: Gossip Girl
27 Smooth Sailing TV 'Ships

27 Smooth Sailing TV 'Ships

These 27 couples show us that it is possible to have a great love story on television without all of that unnecessary drama. Isn't that refreshing?!?
Posted in: Multi-Show