Rand Staring Off
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20 years ago, Moiraine and Mother Siuan help an Aes Sedai who sees a vision of Rand's birth.

Back in the present, Moiraine and Mother Siuan have a conversation.

Mother Siuan wants to meet Rand.

Lan helps Rand prepare for his meeting with the Amyrlin Seat.

She says she has questions for Rand.

Mat wanders back to Cairhien, but Lanfear somehow takes him to Falme.

Elayne takes control of the rescue mission of Egwene.

Egwene and her Suldam start training together.

Max questioned Liandrin's location, while Alanna's other warder worried about Verin.

Moiraine and Lan have a small fight, and he asks her if she ever considered ending it all.

Mother Siuan wants Rand to continue to channel and tells him they would have been better off if he were a girl.

Egwene and her Suldam show off their power, which is insanely powerful.

Nynaeve finds Loial and they ask him questions. Nynaeve swears to get him out.

Ishamael has a conversation with Mat about a special tea. He leaves Mat with the tea, leaving Mat to question whether or not he'll drink it.

Aviendha and Perrin come across others of her kind, the Aiel.

They mourn one of their dead, before Aviendha voluntarily takes a beating from the other two women.

Mat decides to drink the tea and starts to hallucinate. He sees his mom, sees himself murdering others, and sees himself hung.

Siuan refuses to release Rand. Moiraine questions Siuan's motives, as does Siuan question Moiraine's.

Siuan shielded Rand from the One Power.

Barthanes and Liandrin have a conversation, which is where he is revealed to be a Darkfriend.

Anvaere listened to their whole conversation and now knows her son is a Darkfriend.

Ishamael and Mat talk again.

Lanfear comes to Rand in his dreams. Rand asks Lanfear for her help.

Lan visits Logain.

Logain claims that there are weaves on Moiraine.

Lanfear is attacking Cairhien.

Perrina nd Aviendha finally see Falme in the distance.

Nynaeve and Elayne manage to get a collar on a Seanchan woman.

Egwene and her Suldam, Renna, share a bit of bonding, and Egwene threatens to kill her.

Barthanes prepares to kill Moiraine but is tricked by his mother, Anvaere.

She locks him into a cell, and he tries to talk his way out, but Anvaere resists.

Verin replaces Rand's shield when the city is under attack, and then releases Rand.

Moiraine plans on taking Rand to Falme. Alanna plans on helping too, thanks to Lan.

Mother Siuan has her sisters link with her to protect the city, she creates rain to put out all the fire.

Rand and Lan reveal the truth about Moiraine, that her weaves are tied off and left in place. Ishamael has tied off a shield.

Lan tells Rand he'll have to cut the knot.

Rand manages to cut the knot, and Moiraine gains all of her power back, she thanks Rand and Lan.

Just as Moiraine opens the waygate, Mother Siuan attacks her and Rand.

Siuan commands Moiraine to close the way gate, and Moiraine is forced to.

Just as Moiraine closes the gate, Lanfear appears and attacks Siuan.

Lanfear reopens the way gate, and Rand, Lan, and Moiraine follow, leaving Mother Siuan on the ground defeated.

The Wheel of Time
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The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Mat: Is this a sex thing? Or a murder thing? Because either way, I'd rather you skip the talking.
Ishamael: Neither.

  • Permalink: Neither.
  • Added:

Barthanes: Mother, Moiraine doesn't care about you! She trusts no one, she cares about no one! She will leave this place, and she will not give us a second thought.
Anvaere: I know. But there are two things my sister understands better than anyone. The difference between right and wrong, and how much harder it is sometimes to do what is right.