DC's Legends of Tomorrow Look Ahead Promo: This is INSANE!

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Holy better than Batman vs Superman you guys!

This trailer for what's ahead on DC's Legends of Tomorrow is one you have to watch over and over and over again to catch even the briefest glimpse of most of the action, but it's so worth it!!

Nyssa al Ghul? Check!

Young Sara and her young fully folicled dad, Quentin Lance? Check!

Jonah freakin' Hex? Check!

An incredible western town that probably isn't called Mercy but is such a nod to Doctor Who it most certainly should be? Check!

So. Many. Agonizing. Screams. CHECK CHECK CHECK!

Jax locked in a room pounding on a window like Charlie on Lost? Check!

Ray calling himself John Wayne? Check!

Fiery people falling out of the sky? Check!

Bronze statues of Ray Palmer? Check!

Giant footprints? Check!

Jewel Staite reminding us of Firefly? Check!

And, finally, an order from a Time Master to hunt down the younger Legends so they die before they ever make waves. WTH?!

Seriously, this is the show I look forward to ever week because it's so much fun. This trailer? Nailed it.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow
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