90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 5 Episode 6 Review: Ultimatums and Ugly Truths

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Are any of these couples a match made in heaven? 

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 5 Episode 6 continued to show off the immense amount of pressure on all of the couples to make it work, and all of them seem destined for heartache. 

It's hard to believe that Elizabeth still sees value in being an item with Andrei. He belittles her at every turn, bashes her family, and appears to have created a whole new persona while back in his home country. 

Elizabeth and Andrei Unimpressed - 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?

What his friends and family can't get to grips with is the gender roles in a relationship in the U.S. According to them, the man should be head of household. That's their culture, and realizing that Elizabeth is the person providing for the family is a bitter pill for them to swallow. 

Elizabeth struggles when she's being put on blast, but every single one of her arguments with Andrei in Moldova has been caused by his horrible comments about him wanting to be the top dog in their home.

All Elizabeth wants is for them to treat each other as equals, and he's going to need to adapt if he wants this marriage to work. Elizabeth has made a lot of sacrifices for Andrei, and he simply doesn't understand it. 

Being baptized in Andrei's family church was her way of honoring her husband and showing that she will try to make him happy. Instead, Andrei couldn't help but hurl insults at her. 

He has a very short temper and Elizabeth deserves some sort of award for the patience she has with him. Elizabeth is not one to sugar coat things, and her brutal honesty while searching for wedding venues was refreshing. 

Andrei's comments about there being a McDonald's down the street really irked me because this wedding has been cobbled together at the last minute, Elizabeth's father is paying, and Andrei continues to bash her family. 

They deserve to have food that they actually like. Andrei seems to think that, just because the wedding is in his country, it will be under his rules. 

I wouldn't be surprised if some last-minute drama prevents the wedding from happening, because we know there are going to be literal fireworks when the two families meet. 

The language barrier aside, Elizabeth's family will speak up if they think she is being mistreated. So, yeah, watch out for the fireworks!

Angela Explodes, and Gets a Devastating Call from Back Home

Angela has been jealous of Michael talking to other women since the beginning of their relationship, so of course she was going to blow up at his plan to get her to live in Nigeria. 

Michael doesn't appear to be ready to leave his home country behind, but Angela has been vocal about looking after her mother and grandchildren in the U.S. 

Michael's thinly-veiled attempt to get her to agree to move to Nigeria was cruel. Angela knows there are pros and cons to living in either country, and she didn't need a group of people half her age to tell her that. 

Angela goes from zero to 100 real quick, and I completely understand why she felt betrayed. 

Angela didn't want to leave her sick mother behind to go abroad, but she did so to save her relationship. No amount of humming and hawing from Michael will make her change her stance. 

The worrying call from back home will make her realize what she wants, and it could be the deciding factor in whether her relationship with Michael will survive. 

Get the Eff out of My House!

Larissa lives for the drama, but her being kicked out of her house was not surprising. 

Her friend only ever heard the bad about her relationship with Eric, so it makes sense that she would be livid about Larissa reconnecting with the man she's heard so much bad stuff about. 

There appears to be a connection between Larissa and Eric, and while I believe them getting back together is more a matter of convenience than anything else, they are cute as hell together. 

However, they don't appear to have fully hashed out their differences, and that could prove to be too much to forge a relationship.

Larissa will need to choose her friend or her boyfriend, and that's not a position I would like to be in. 

What Happens in Brazil... Will NOT Stay in Brazil

Taking Debbie to Brazil was always going to result in tears, and Colt should definitely take the blame for that call. From not getting separate rooms to just being not communicating well with his mother, it's like he knows what the producers want. 

Jess, for her part, seems to like Colt, but Deb seems like she wants her son to herself, and will not be happy about anyone else being close with him. 

Jess is trying to build a connection with her potential mother-in-law, but Deb will not give her the time of day. It's a shame that a mother would act in such a way, but it's consistent with the Deb of seasons past. 

When all is said and done, these couples are straddling the fine line between good and toxic. 

What did you think of Hurricane Andre this week? Are you tired of the way he treats Elizabeth?

Hit the comments below. 

Remember you can watch 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? online right here via TV Fanatic. 

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After airs Sundays at 8/7c.

Ultimatums and Ugly Truths Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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