Miss Blair

Miss Blair Waldorf is our favorite character. In this photo from the second-season episode of Gossip Girl, "The Ex-Files," she's up to no good once again. That's her M.O. And we love her for it.

Great Minds

They think alike, and in this photo from the second-season episode of Gossip Girl, "The Ex-Files," Chuck and Blair appear to be plotting some sort of scheme. But what?!

A Chair Reunion?

In this photo from the second-season episode of Gossip Girl, "The Ex-Files," Blair and Chuck are cleaned up well. Well, Chuck is. Blair always looks great. When will they get together!?

Best. Bitch. Ever.

Blair Waldorf really is. In this photo from the second-season episode of Gossip Girl, "The Ex-Files," she's out for (social queen) blood.

Queens B and S

Blair and Serena in a photo from the fourth episode of Season Two, "The Ex-Files."

The Object of Affection

The Season 2 Gossip Girl episode titled "The Dark Night" finds Blair (Leighton Meester) struggling with her feelings for both Marcus and Chuck. Who will eventually win out?


The Season 2 Gossip Girl episode titled "The Dark Night" is titled appropriately, as there is a blackout. At night. Get it?

Damsel in Distress

In this scene from "The Dark Night," from the second season of Gossip Girl, Blair Waldorf looks gorgeous but distressed as she is sought after by a pair of men, and doesn't know what to do next ...

The Beautiful B

In this scene from "The Dark Night," from the second season of Gossip Girl, Queen B, a.k.a. Blair Waldorf, is torn between two men. We have the slightest hunch we know who'll win out eventually.

Marcus, Blair

Blair is all over Marcus in a scene from "The Dark Night." Great episode title. Seriously, there's a blackout.

Marcus and Blair

In "Never Been Marcused," Blair and Marcus enjoy the ride. Not the way she enjoyed Chuck's limo, but you get the idea.

B and S Converse

Blair and Serena converse in the second episode of the second season of Gossip Girl, "Never Been Marcused." Wonder what these two are up to!

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.