Intelligence Ladies in Action - tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 7

The intelligence unit ladies are in action when Kim and Hailey bust down a door in search of a suspect.

Kev and Hails - Tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 6

Atwater and Upton are working alongside one another for a case that involves an abducted teenager.

Upton in the Forest - tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 6

Upton is approaching a suspect or investigating something in the rural area when the team investigates an abduction.

A Drug Case - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 4

Voight and the team look into a drug case that has Torres going undercover with a woman, Gloria Perez in their sights.

Atwater and Hales Bells - tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 4

Atwater and Upton are on the move and partnered together when the team investigates Torres' UC case.

Upwater is Dubious - Tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 4

Upton and Atwater have their doubts about some of the things transpiring during the team's latest case.

Work on the Mind - tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Hailey continues to pour all of her energy into work and solving cases as she heals from her personal life.

Burgton Exchange - tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Burgess and Upton have a discussion or possible disagreement as they investigate a raid that happens at Ruzek's poker game.

Upton Call - Chicago PD

Hailey makes a phone call as the team investigates a case that Ruzek catches while on leave during Retread.

Clashing With Crisis Prevention - Tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 1

Hailey's style of policing is at odds with her the therapist of the Crisis Prevention Unit on the season premiere.

A Concerned Therapist -tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 1

Hailey ends up on a concerned therapist's radar after she clashes with her policing techniques while shadowing a team.

Cuts and Marks -tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 1

Hailey has some cuts and marks possibly something that happened while working on a case with a unit she shadows.

Chicago PD Quotes

But I wanted it. Wanted to be something different than what I was, knew I could. See, I don't people have to end up anywhere near where they started.


Yo, Al, don't you got some sort of beef with Father McSorley?
