John Stamos on the Drums

John Stamos takes to the drums in this scene from "Sexy." It's a pleasure to see Dr. Carl again.

Brittany on Stage

Dance it up, gals! Brittany leads the way in this scene from the installment "Blame it on the Alcohol."

Coach and Will

Coach Beiste has a heart to heart with Will in this scene. It's from the episode "Blame it on the Alcohol."

Wemma Together

We've missed seeing Will and Emma together. They share this scene in the episode "Blame It on the Alcohol."

The Warblers

You've gotta love the Warblers, don't you? Blaine takes center stage in this photo.

Karofsky vs. Kurt

Thanks to Dave Karofsky, Kurt was forced to transfer schools. He didn't feel safe at William McKinley.

An Odd Couple

Sue and Will working together?!? Or at least trying to? Now we've seen it all.

At Breadsticks

We haven't seen the gang at Breadsticks in awhile. They gather there on Valentine's Day.

Asian Couple

Don't you just love Tina and Mike? They make up our favorite Asian couple on Glee.

Artie and Mike

Do your thing, Artie and Mike! Two two perform here in front of New Directions.

Mercedes Shows Support

Mercedes supports her fellow singers in this scene. It's from the Valentine's Day episode of Glee.

Huge Smiles

Will looks pleased to be watching Artie and Mike in this still from Glee, doesn't he? It's courtesy of the episode "Silly Love Songs."

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
