Interns Facing Testing - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 8

The interns are facing testing and are worried about what their results will be when they take them.

Owen and Blue - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 8

Blue tries to assist OWen when he returns to Grey Sloan after finding a medical emergency on his day off.

Run for Help - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 8

Teddy has to leave Owen and the hikers behind to find help when they stumble across a medical emergency.

Hike Gone Wrong - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 8

Teddy and OWen's hike goes horribly wrong when they have to help a father and daughter who fall in a pit.

Skywalker is Back - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 7

Mika and Lucas finally bicker, talk, and work things out and their friendship is intact on "She Used to Be Mine."

A Micromanging Hubby - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 7

Teddy appears to be doing just fine back at the job and in the thick of things, but Owen is still concerned.

Looking Up - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 7

After struggling with his stay at the hospital over multiple episodes things may be looking up for this patient.

Looking Sheepish - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 7

Blue looks sheepish as he approaches Jules to discuss something she found and they have a friendly bet.

Friendly Competition Again - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 7

Mika and Blue have some friendly competition with one another as they take a few bets while on the job.

Simone Does After Hours Drinks - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 7

Simone does after hours drinks at Joe's after a tough day on the job where a case brings up some memories.

Mika Side Shot - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 7

Mika spends some time at Joe's bar after a tough day on the job in Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 7.

Log Bets - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 7

Jules is still having jumbled feelings about Blue, but she engages him with a bet regarding their logs.