Radical Surgery - Reverie Season 1 Episode 6

Paul opposes Alexis's idea of removing the BCI from a client to force her out of Reverie.

Tiny Dancer - Reverie Season 1 Episode 6

Mara tries to rescue a young dancer who fell into despair following a personal tragedy.

Balancing Act - Reverie Season 1 Episode 5

Charlie tries to get Alexis to interact better with people.

Terrorist Attack - Reverie Season 1 Episode 5

Monica calls on Onira-Tech for help after a terrorist bombs an office building in Los Angeles.

Uncomfortable Inventor - Reverie Season 1 Episode 5

Alexis finds out that the Department of Defense knows much more about Reverie that she thought.

Diving Into a Coma - Reverie

Mara must dive into the mind of a coma victim to try and identify the perpetrator on Reverie. "Altum Somnum" is the fifth episode of the show's first season.

Blast From the Past - Reverie Season 1 Episode 4

Oliver Hill, a co-founder of Onira-Tech with Alexis, tries to recruit Mara as his spy.

Hesitant Thief - Reverie Season 1 Episode 4

Glenn Maybach steals an experimental drug to help his sick neighbor Quincy.

Unfamiliar Territory - Reverie

A BCI is stolen at Onira-Tech and Mara must go into a rogue Reverie.

Altered Ego - Reverie Season 1 Episode 3

Solid citizen Nate becomes a bank robber in his Reverie program.

Exitus - Reverie Season 1 Episode 3

Mara returns from Reverie before the armored truck in which she was riding hits a wall.

Making a Tough Call - Reverie Season 1 Episode 3

Charlie is rightfully concerned about Mara's continuing derealizations

Reverie Season 1 Quotes

These are skills you can use on a job interview, on a date, in bed. It's a whole new way of seeing the world. But you have to look up [pulls a student's gaze away from her phone].

Mara [to her students]

This is a radical problem. Perhaps it requires a radical solution.

Alexis [to Charlie]