It's Not Her - The Americans Season 5 Episode 11

Elizabeth and Philip suffer a moment of crisis on The Americans. "Dyatkovo" is the 11th episode of the show's fifth season.

Groceries Are Crazy - The Americans Season 5 Episode 11

Elizabeth and Philip suffer a moment of crisis on The Americans. "Dyatkovo" is the 11th episode of the show's fifth season.

Killer - The Americans Season 5 Episode 11

Elizabeth and Philip suffer a moment of crisis on The Americans. "Dyatkovo" is the 11th episode of the show's fifth season.

Crisis Vertical - The Americans Season 5 Episode 11

Elizabeth and Philip suffer a moment of crisis on The Americans. "Dyatkovo" is the 11th episode of the show's fifth season.

Moment of Crisis - The Americans

Elizabeth and Philip suffer a moment of crisis on The Americans. "Dyatkovo" is the 11th episode of the show's fifth season.

Father of the Year - The Americans Season 5 Episode 10

Elizabeth and Philip are forced to make decisions that might change their lives forever on The Americans. "Darkroom" is the tenth episode of the show's fifth season.

Mom of the Year - The Americans Season 5 Episode 10

Elizabeth and Philip are forced to make decisions that might change their lives forever on The Americans. "Darkroom" is the tenth episode of the show's fifth season.

Changing Their Lives Tall - The Americans Season 5 Episode 10

Elizabeth and Philip are forced to make decisions that might change their lives forever on The Americans. "Darkroom" is the tenth episode of the show's fifth season.

Changing Their Lives - The Americans

Elizabeth and Philip are forced to make decisions that might change their lives forever on The Americans. "Darkroom" is the tenth episode of the show's fifth season.

Tall Good Boy - The Americans Season 5 Episode 9

This is the tall photo of Henry for the Americans Season 5 Episode 9.

Still A Good Son - The Americans Season 5 Episode 9

The photos aren't all that great for this episode of The Americans!

The Good Son - The Americans Season 5 Episode 9

Henry is the good son who is such a surprise to the Jennings.

The Americans Season 5 Quotes

Philip: We'll get another go home. It wasn't the right time.
Elizabeth: What's the right time?

Elizabeth: Can't wait to have dinner with that family again.
Philip: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Sorry he had to wait in line to eat. He's old enough to remember having nothing to wait in line for.
Philip: My mother used to make us soup from a few onions, nothing else. It was really just hot water.
Elizabeth: After the war, my mother always said she wasn't hungry. I knew, but I ate everything. She was so thin.