Chester and Joe - The Flash Season 7 Episode 7

This photo is to be used in conjunction with The Flash Season 7 Episode 7 review.

Joe and Chester - The Flash Season 7 Episode 7

This photo is to be used in conjunction with The Flash Season 7 Episode 7 review.

Trouble - The Flash Season 7 Episode 7

This photo is to be used in conjunction with The Flash Season 7 Episode 7 review.

Joe - The Flash Season 7 Episode 7

This photo is to be used in conjunction with The Flash Season 7 Episode 7 review.

Being Framed - The Flash

Frost is being framed on The Flash. "Growing Pains" is the seventh episode of the show's seventh season.

The Flash Season 7 Episode 7 Quotes

Frost: Look, I'm not some thug anymore, okay? I've grown.
Cecile: I know that, honey. I do. Look, I'm one of the people that you kidnapped.

Speed Force: Don't worry. If you need me, I'll sense it and I'll be there in a heartbeat.
Barry: Great.