Danger is Calling

Hello? Danger is likely on the other line, as Caroline answers a call on The Vampire Diaries Season 4 finale.

Caroline at Graduation

Awww, we love seeing Caroline smile! She has a reason to be happy, too, seeing as she's graduating.

Elena at Graduation

It's graduation day on Mystic Falls. And Elena sure looks like she cares, doesn't she?

Klaus at Graduation

No, Klaus is not graduating. But he is attending the ceremony, as you can see here.

Parting from Mystic Falls

Parting is such sweet sorrow for Klaus. But he has a city to go control down south.

Parting Words for Caroline

Klaus is leaving for New Orleans. He has some parting words for Caroline in this scene.

Old Elena?

Is Elena back to her old self? This is a photo from The Vampire Diaries season finale.

Topless Damon

Damon has his shirt off in this Vampire Diaries scene. really, what else do you need to know?

Rebekah at the Door

Rebekah faces off with Matt in this scene from The Vampire Diaries Season 4 finale. They have grown a lot closer.

Damon Drinks

Damon needs a drink. Damon often needs a drink. This is a photo from the special Vampire Diaries episode "The Originals."

Salvatores Confer

Stefan and Damon confer in this Vampire Diaries scene. It is from the special episode "The Originals."

Sophie Photo

Sophie is a witch in New Orleans. She is portrayed by Daniella Pineda.

The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Quotes

Where ever you go, Salvatore Brothers seem to follow.

Pastor Young

We all know the way. You feed or you die, there is no door #3.
