Lucca: If I kill someone tonight, I will hire you to defend me but only if you get a degree and pass the bar.
Marissa: Really? You’d hire me if you killed someone?
Lucca: I might go out tonight and kill someone.
Marissa: I love you too. Why are you leaving here? I’ll miss you.
Lucca: Because they won’t pay me what I deserve. Anyway, I thought they fired you.
Marissa: But they didn’t mean it. It’s like the smoothie place. They kept trying to fire me, and I just kept showing up.

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The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 1: "Previously On"
The Good Fight
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The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

Diane: Can I tell you what I really want?
Adrian: Sure, what?
Diane: I want to argue in front of the Supreme Court.
Adrian: If that’s what you want, you fucking tell them that.

Marissa: Lucca, I have a friend who’s frustrated. I need some advice for her.
Lucca: Marissa, where are you?
Marissa: In court. Why, where are you?
Lucca: In London.
Marissa: Good, say hi to the queen for me. This friend is getting frustrated with her job and maybe wants to become a lawyer. What’s the quickest way she could become one?
Lucca: What do you mean the quickest?
Marissa: I don’t know. Is there some way to accelerate the process?
Lucca: Some schools offer a three-three program. You can go to law school during your last year of college.
Marissa: No, she’s not in college. She has a job. She just… OK, it’s me.
Lucca: You want to become a lawyer?
Marissa: I don’t know. I’m just checking. I hate being talked down to.
Lucca: First of all, you’d be great.
Marissa: I would. I could wipe the floor in court.
Lucca: Second of all, enroll in law school. You can take summer programs and get it down to two years.
Marissa: Boy.
Lucca: I know. It’s not easy.