Shaun: There are new treatments. We just need to buy you time.
Glassman: I should never have told you.
Shaun: You are being selfish. You could have more time with me and Steve and Lea but you are giving up. You are a coward. You could keep fighting but you are not. If you are giving up on me then I will have to give up on you.

Shaun: It could give you up to a year.
Glassman: Or I could do nothing and have six good months. I could spend those months with you and Lea and Steve.

Lea: How long have you known?
Glassman: A few weeks. My doctor found it on my yearly scan.
Lea: How long?
Glassman: 3 to 6.
Lea: Years?
Glassman: Months.

  • Permalink: Months.
  • Added:

Shaun: If you are prescribing her oxy, that is unethical and might be illegal.
Glassman: I am aware.
Shaun: You could lose your medical license. You have to tell her to leave now.
Glassman: Thank you for your concern, but I'm not giving up on her.

Glassman: You left your pre-op contact blank.
Hannah: You planning on offing me on the table?
Glassman: Not planning on it, but if something happens, I need to be able to call your mom or your dad.
Hannah: Yeah, well good luck with that. They kicked me out years ago so if you're looking for someone who cares if I die, you'll have to look elsewhere.

Lim: She's an addict, and she's around the same age your daughter was when she died.
Glassman: Wow. Okay. Hannah is in real pain, and she is not going to get over her addiction until someone addresses it.

Glassman: Your record says you're drug seeking.
Woman: Forget it. I'll find another doctor who'll help me.
Glassman: Wait, wait. Sit.
Woman: I don't have to listen to you.
Glassman: No, you don't. Please. Sit.

Glassman: You remember the last time I was in the OR?
Shaun: This is a multi-step procedure.
Glassman: Yeah, I might kill the patient.
Shaun: The patient is already dying.

It doesn't matter who saved him. Let's keep him saved.

Glassman: Hey. I'm guessing you're not okay with this.
Lim: You sleeping with my my mom? My dad did it for years and we got along fine.

Glassman: Sure this elevator is big enough for the both of us?
Lim: I'm not sure this hospital is.

Shaun: You should have met Steve the day he was born.
Glassman: Yes, I should have. I was mad because you humiliated me and made it so I can't do surgery. Did you forget that?
Shaun: That is not an apology.

The Good Doctor Quotes

Asher: We'd have to remove her uterus and they're starting a family.
Shaun: She won't be able to have a baby if she's dead.

Olivia: I never wanted to be a doctor. But every time I tried to say so my parents and professors and you pushed me and encouraged me til I backed down. So I knew if I got fired, there was no way you could pep-talk me back into a career I don't want.
Andrews: Livvie...
Olivia: I don't want to be important or successful. I just want to be myself. But I don't even know who that is. So the only way I can find out is if I burn my bridges behind me.