Pelia: Hello, Scotty.
Scotty: Professor.
Pike: You two know each other?
Pelia: One of my best students. Who sadly received some of my worst grades.

Pike: Sometimes, hope is a choice.
La’an: Yeah, you’ve told me that one before.
Pike: Maybe I’m just saying it cause I need to hear it. It’s why we’re here, on this planet.

Admiral April: I think it’s safe to say that we don’t understand the Gorn.
Pike: Well, I’ve seen them up close and personal, and they’re not hard to understand, Bob. They’re monsters.
Admiral April: ‘Monster’ is a word to describe those who don’t understand us.
Pike: And sometimes a monster’s just a monster.

Batel: How you holding up?
Pike: I mean, I’m not bursting into song every ten minutes, so that’s a minor victory.
Batel: Very minor.

La’an: When people sing, they are confessing highly personal, emotional information.
Pike: Lieutenant, are you telling me our emotions constitute a security threat?

You see the connections between us when all we see are the empty spaces.

Uhura: That was just a solo with backup vocals. Maybe four voices, max? So we need to do that again but with more, a lot more.
Pike: You mean, like an ensemble number?
Uhura: Not just an ensemble number. A grand finale. We need melodies and harmonies with tone ratios that achieve both algorithmic and logarithmic balance on a mass scale.

Pike: So… That happened.
La’an: Reports of musical outbreaks have come in from every deck.
James Kirk: Honestly, I thought it was something you had all rehearsed, but I sang too.
M’Benga: So did I. And I do not sing.

Pike: What are the odds we could shut down the improbability field before the Klingons get here?
Spock: Not good. At least according to the data we have.
Pike: Then find new data. You both need to fix this. You’re applying old rules to a new reality. I suggest you find a different tempo fast.

Pike: I’m just shocked that Rah would attack him like that.
Chapel: I guess, it just goes to show, no one ever really knows what goes on in anyone’s heart.

M’Benga: Careful. Deltan parsley in excessive amounts.
Pike: And in small amounts, delicious.

Pike: How can we represent a Federation that believes in peace if we say some people aren’t allowed to make up for their past?
Una: I agree with you, in the abstract. But the people he hurt – some of them right here on this crew – might not find forgiveness so easily. It isn’t fair for us to ask them to just let it go.

Star Trek: Discovery Quotes

I am neither one for following orders nor giving them. The solar winds are my mistress and I follow her wherever she beckons.


Burnham: Words aren't enough, are they? Nine hundred and thirty years.
Saru: I trust that what matters most will have endured.