Garrett: You said private. A prime table at Wolfgang's is not private.
Frank: So what? I had dinner with a Teamsters boss, not a gangster.

Frank: With the Teamsters behind them, the union would have real bargaining power.
Garett: That's why City Hall will hate it.
Frank: I am a cop at heart, first and foremost.

Frank: How would you feel if you met him on the street?
Erin: I'd feel fine... after I punched him in the nose.
Frank: But why?
Erin: Because of who his father is. The apple can't fall far from the tree, and that fruit is poisoned.

McFadden: Please understand, sir, I didn't come up to your office out of respect for you.
Frank:; The same respect you showed when you lied to me?
McFadden: I didn't lie. I just didn't give you a complete answer.
Frank: That would be a lie.
McFadden: If I'd put that my name was Malkowsky rather than McFadden...
Frank: That would be the truth.
McFadden: It would also sink my chances of becoming a cop.

Cop: Sir, he didn't bang in sick today. He didn't come in today because he didn't want to meet you.
Frank: Am I that scary?
Cop: No, of course not. It's just, his last name didn't always used to be McFadden. It used to be Moevsky. Sonny Molevsky is his father.
Frank: And the man who killed my son.

Abigail: You can't treat her like a Reagan when she's a Ross.
Frank: She is a person who broke the law, and she is not the only one who has ever lost someone.

Garrett: I know you love to dig into the details but I've never seen you so worked up about our crossing guards. Sure you're okay?
Frank: Yes.
Abigail: He was your best friend.

Tess: Tell your guys to let me go.
Frank: I can't do that.
TessL What? Of course you can.
Frank: Okay. I won't do that.
Tess: I thought my dad was your best friend.
Frank: He was my best friend, and that is why I am going to honor that by doing what is best for his daughter.

Tess: Wait. They call and YOU come?
Frank: Well, it is my name you dropped.
Tess: I figured it was more like a reference or something.

Sid: Jamie doesn't want anything to do with Joe Hill, and Joe Hill won't back down. I gotta say, thick-headed stuborn genes run in your family. No offense.
Frank: So pretend it's not my family and fix it.

Frank: The current system is a revolving door on criminals. That's the truth.
Chase: That's your truth. My truth is that you're looking to spread the blame on everyone but yourself.

Garett: You didn't even try!
Frank: I did try. You were there. You saw me trying.