Andre: The question is, how do you feel?
Kate: Being your wife has not been the prison that I anticipated it to be.
Andre: You should be writing greeting cards.

Andre: I'm afraid I have some bad news.
Kate: Bad news. Is that euphemism for I royally screwed up, and I'm a world class idiot?

You know, there are going to be some ground rules. No sex, at least not between the two of us.

Theresa: I'm rushing home to feed my son.
Kate: He's a chubby little guy. I'm sure he can wait a few moments.

Eve: Sometimes you have to be a bitch just to get by, thanks to the Victors of the world.
Kate: Amen, to that.

Justin: And I was being a jerk.
Kate: Well there, something we can agree on.

Justin: I did sleep with someone else and Adrienne is sleeping with Lucas.
Kate: Yeah but in Salem that's grounds for an embarrassing, public shouting match, not a divorce.

Lucas: What do you see in that wing nut?
Kate: Really? How many times have I said the same thing to you?

Abigail: A woman of your class not to mention your ageā€¦
Kate: Careful, my pretty.

Jordan is playing you like a walleyed pike and the rest of us can just sit back and watch while she reels you in.

From that do-gooder scheme that's the brain child of, and I'm using the word brain advisedly, of those two airheads who could barely run a hair dryer together.

Chad: You mind telling me what that little show down at the hospital was today?
Kate: What show?
Chad: The one where you got the media to appoint your little hillbilly boyfriend as the patron saint of Salem.