I can't take it anymore. Jen and I weren't just friends in juvie. We were together. Like, together together. While I was with Shawn. And he has no idea. And Jen and I hooked up again recently.


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Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Season 1 Episode 6: "Hell House"
Pretty Little Liars: Summer School
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Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Listen, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for you. I do, and then some. I just -- I need to hit pause. Jen, I'm juggling a lot of heavy shit, as you know, and I can't make a decision right now about anything. Let alone something as important as this.


Mouse: When either of you gets the call, or a note, or whatever, what are you going to do?
Tabby: Only thing we can do. Everything in our power to survive, like you guys did.