I'm just saying, Afghanistan? 72 hours before a massive U.S. military operation? I mean, if you need an adrenaline rush, why don't you just, I don't know, stay home and take up race car driving?


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Madam Secretary Season 4 Episode 10: "Women Transform the World"
Madam Secretary
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Madam Secretary Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes, Madam Secretary Quotes
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Madam Secretary Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

Daisy: Let me know when I'm oversharing. I've been alone with the baby for a long time.
Elizabeth: As a rule, just pull back when you find yourself wanting to share the color or texture *anything*.

Daisy: Wow, lot of changes since I was gone. Congratulations, Boss.
Jay: Don't be ridiculous. Blake is still the boss.