Callie: I'm not sure I'm ready to go there.
Erica: Me neither! There's lots of undiscovered territory above the belt. We can take it slow. Maybe just... first base?
Callie: [laughs] Phew! Okay. Phew.
Erica: Finish my wine. I'm going to look at the menu for a minute while your blood pressure drops back down to to normal.
Callie: Erica? Maybe second base too.

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Callie Torres, Erica Hahn
Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Episode 3: "Brave New World"
Grey's Anatomy
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Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

Meredith: Why where you going through her things?
Derek: I was trying to find space for my clothes. Your closet is full.
Meredith: Oh.

Meredith: You keep a diary? Have I not known all this time that you keep a diary? Don't be shy, I think it's cute!
Derek: It's not mine.
Meredith: Who's is it?
Derek: Your mother's.