Mike: Look, you can do a lot of things, mother fucker, alright. But you can't ghost me. You understand that? Hey. Don't ghost me. You disappear. You're rolling the fucking Russians. With no warning. And then you light em up. With an arsenal that sure as shit did not come from that gunshop. Are you crazy?
Bunny: Mother fucker spiked my supply.
Mike: Yeah.
Bunny: You push me, I'mma push back, Mike.
Mike: I know. I was there. At the club. When you fucking lit it up. You almost took me off the board.
Bunny: What the fuck you hiding with the Soviets for then?
Mike: I was trying to remedy your problem Bunny. I know what they did to your supply. You gotta let me do my job. Not fucking shoot at me.
Bunny: Comi mother fuckers don't know the rules out here. Alright. They ain't equals.
Mike: Yeah, well they think they fucking wrote the rules. They're coming down like Moses with the tablets and the commandments or whatever the fuck it is.
Bunny: Well we're going to send Moses right back up that fucking mountain, aight? Ain't no tablets out here. I'm the New Testament. Yeah. Besides, I don't see them making no fucking moves right now.
Mike: Yeah, well.
Bunny: So maybe my message done stuck.
Mike: Yeah, maybe. Maybe. Maybe I threw a block on your behalf. I don't know. Either way, Bunny. No one is resting easy.

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Mayor of Kingstown
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Mayor of Kingstown Quotes

The consequence of a riot is dismantling the illusion that prison is controlled by the guards. The consequence of putting down the riot is dismantling the leadership structure within the inmates. All that remains is chaos until a new leadership structure is created, and when there are no leaders inside, there are no leaders outside. All gangs are from prison because that's where all gangsters end up. And so is our new reality, and that reality is chaos.


My father used to say, I can't wait to get old, for my mind to soften, and my memories to rot away. The hardest thing to do is forget, forget the scars that life gives you, forget the scars you gave others. The challenge, then, is hiding a few memories worth keeping from your dying mind. He told me to keep a journal and only write down the good things. Then, when the bad things fade away, you can read about the happy life you had. But minds don't forget so easy, and the horror that we witness and endure takes root. Only madness and dementia can remove it.
