I made my feelings very clear on Coryana. Both times. You've been harder to read, what with the stabbing and all.


Now, that is some terrific branding. But you should really consider bringing a gun to a gunfight.

Black Mask

Ocean: You killed me for nothing!
Alice: You would've done the same to me.
Ocean: No. No chance in hell. There's screwed up, and then there's you.

Luke: [Here's] a portable version of the Batmobile's AI.
Ryan: AI? What AI?
Luke: You didn't notice I installed it with the new paint job?
Ryan: What? I thought my driving skills were getting better.
Luke: Yeah. No.

Enigma: You're a monster, Alice. But you're rational. Imagine if you were at the mercy of every dark impulse. Is that what you want?
Alice: I am NOT into self-reflection!

Enigma: Whether you admit it or not, Kate matters to you. Erasing her will radically change your personality.
Alice: Yeah. I'll stop hallucinating.

The final ingredient will be delivered soon, and if I've gone through all this trouble just to find out you can't cook after all... Well, at least I have what I need to dissolve your body.

Black Mask

I'm sorry, Daddy. As much as I want to forgive you, forgetting's easier.


I suppose you could say that I forgot to remember what she made me forget.


Julia: Guess Gotham's not much of a playground without a playmate.
Alice: I don't need a playmate. I need a partner.
Julia: Well, your last overture at partners ended with a knife in my gut so...
Alice: I really need to work on my negotiating skills.

It's the age-old question, isn't it? If a lunatic throws a tantrum in a forest, will anyone hear?


Oh, you're not going to kill me. You'd just be lonely again.


Batwoman Quotes

Native American Trainer: Too slow.
Kate Kane: You covered the damn hole!
Native American Trainer: And you found way. Own way. Tomorrow, find faster.

Trust me, this isn't the story I expected to be telling. But you know as well as I do that stories, like the people who tell them, aren't always what they seem.

Kate Kane