Charlie: Billy, isn't there something else we can do? I mean, can't we go and take a white flag and go up and talk to the Colonel?
Billy: You heard him. The whole town is on lockdown. It's a curfew.
Charlie: Why don't we try and leave, get out of Lincoln.
Billy: Charlie, we're not runnin' again. I just don't want us gettin' cut down in the street by the U.S. Army but we're not quitting.

Tom: Billy, are we all gonna die?
Billy: No, Tom.
Tom: How can you be so sure?
Billy: Because I'm doin' everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen again.

McSween: Are you sure you want to put yourself in the way of danger?
Alice: If I can speak for both of us, Mr. McSween, we are on your side. We believe in The Regulators and in your cause. We simply could not stand by and do nothing.

Friends, we still need to tighten the ring around The Regulators' stronghold, which is to say, McSween's house. We don't want any of them slippin' away, do we?


Jesse: Ain't no hope in hell Billy is just going to surrender.
Murphy: Well, that's up to him, now, isn't it? He would be a fool not to, anyway.

Dudley: Mr. Riley has kindly invited me to stay at the House.
Pat: Well, that is, uh, mighty civil of him.

Dudley: Sheriff, you mustn't think for a moment that I've picked sides here. The Army remains neutral. We are here to restore peace, that's all.
Pat: Of course. That's what I'm doing too.

McSween: Billy, I don't think I'm getting out of this place alive.
Billy: Not if you keep talkin' like that, you won't.

Pat: Jesse, you think they gonna surrender?
Riley: They've got no fuckin' choice. They're about to be burned alive.
Jesse: Billy ain't ever gonna surrender.
Riley: Well, that's crazy. That makes no sense, Jesse.
Jesse: Why don't you ever get it, Riley: You're talking about Billy the Kid! Billy the fuckin' Kid! He's different from you and he is different from me. He don't have to make sense.

Billy the Kid Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Tom: Billy, are we all gonna die?
Billy: No, Tom.
Tom: How can you be so sure?
Billy: Because I'm doin' everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen again.

Charlie: Billy, isn't there something else we can do? I mean, can't we go and take a white flag and go up and talk to the Colonel?
Billy: You heard him. The whole town is on lockdown. It's a curfew.
Charlie: Why don't we try and leave, get out of Lincoln.
Billy: Charlie, we're not runnin' again. I just don't want us gettin' cut down in the street by the U.S. Army but we're not quitting.