I got a lawyer who makes more in a day than you do in a year, so I don't have to tell you anything.


Eddie: In a perfect world, all three of those cops could run up a flight of stairs.
Frank: And when you find a perfect world, please send me the address.

Not like I always wanted a son, but one came knocking and I answered the door.


You guys all belong to fraternal organizations, so why can't I? Is it because I'm a woman?


Sid: This is a bad idea.
Frank: It's not a bad idea or a good idea. It's an idea whose time has come. And it arrived on a rooftop the other day, gasping for air and sweating bullets. 50 pounds overweight and wearing one of our uniforms.

Danny: What exactly do you do all day?
Sloane: Exactly what it looks like I do. I sit here and check and recheck forms all day.

Jamie: You're about to become the daughter-in-law of the PC and the former PC. You're just going to have to accept that some people are going to try to use you.
Eddie: For what? To win a softball game?

DA: Consider it done.
Anthony: But it's not done. You running a railroad here, cause that's what I'm hearing.
DA: You wanna talk yourself out of a job?

Anthony: Sam, Ms. Johnson's gonna be charged with murder. So if you got any proof she didn't do it, I suggest you tell me now.
Sam: She didn't do it. And I gotta do my homework.

Abigail: A cop that can't go up a few flights of stairs isn't exactly safe.
Sid: That was like a dozen flights.
Abigail: It was four.

The foster mother's DNA on the foster child? That's solid evidence?


Lenny: You know what your problem is? You always want to see the good in your people. That's your blind spot.
Frank: I wasn't blind about this.

Blue Bloods Season 9 Quotes

So I look the other way. You get married. The two of you get taken out in the same action. What do you want me to do with your kids?


Eddie: Your Dad clearly has a problem with us riding together.
Jamie: You can’t just cave every time you don’t agree with somebody in my family.
Eddie: And you can’t ignore it like this is going to go away. Do you really want to hide the fact that we’re engaged from the department and fight with your Dad just to ride together?
Jamie: I thought that’s what we both wanted.
Eddie: I just want you.