Morris: I'm not going to be an yuce to you, Marcel, even if I did have a pair of lungs. There's too much infected tissue for it to take. Best thing to do is hit him with the broad spectrum antibiotics and hope for the best.
Zola: Hope for the best?
Morris: Who's this?
Marcel: Dr. Zola Ahmad, third year EM resident.
Morris: Third year. Ooh, I didn't realize I was talking to someone with so much experience.
Zola: Look, I fail to see how doing nothing can be the best course of action.
Morris: I see you've already trained her to disrespect her superiors in your own inimitable way.
Marcel: I see your skin hasn't got any thicker, Morris.

Woman: Tyler thinks he is telepathic.
Tyler: I am telepathic.
Archer: And you can what, read your baby's mind?
Tyler: He is in distress. I want an OB down here right now.

Maggie: Are you sure he knew what your intention was?
Asher: I invited him up to my apartment for tea. I could not have been any clearer.

Asher: You're gonna remove a whole part of her lung?
Archer: It's that or let her bleed to death.

Marisol: A few months ago, I had a birth control implant put in my arm.
Husband: What?
Marisol: I'm so sorry, honey.
Husband: I thought you wanted kids.
Marisol: I did. I do. But are you not freaked out by the state of the world? Wars and climate change and pandemics. How can we bring a child into that?

Asher: Labs look good, but I'm sorry to say your pregnancy test came back negative.
Marisol: I always wanted to be a medical mystery.

Snake's out. Start the discharge paperwork and do me a favor. Next time someone comes in with a reptile in their orifice, give it to a resident.


Ripley: I admit I can be a little hardcore when it comes to my routine.
Asher: I get it. I go to meetings. You run.

Charles: There are lots of clinical trials and new treatments now. I'm sure we can navigate it.
Sharon: We? You mean me. I'm the one who will have to take care of appointments, decisions, treatments...
Charles: What about the kids?
Sharon: They have their own lives. I don't want to make this everyone's problem. But I can't do this. I have a hospital to run, a new relationship that's going well... and now I have to stop everything and take care of my ex-husband. I can't.

Marcel: You blaming yourself? Before you spiral out of control, let me remind you of what's really important: your patient, who is alive and well in large part because you listened to your instincts. Now, you may not be able to take down the medical-iindustrial complex, but you saved a life today. Zola, if that's not good enough, then maybe you should think about another career.

Ripley: I'm not in the mood for a lecture. You don't know Sully. There's only one way to deal with him.
Charles: By tackling him to the ground?

Ripley: He's being irrational. He probably has lung cancer, but he's refusing further testing.
Charles: I'm sorry to hear that.
Ripley: If I let him walk out of here AMA, I'm basically handing him a death sentence.
Charles: Unfortunately, refusing further testing isn't really grounds for questioning someone's decisional capacity.
Ripley: He's got a terminal illness and won't get treatment. Sounds like he's got a problem with his decisional capacity to me.
Charles: Okay, so this is where I have to ask you, would you be pushing for this if he was just a regular patient?

Chicago Med Season 9 Quotes

Maggie: Is that even possible?
Mitchell: Yeah. He's internally decapitated. Only thing holding his head on is this screw.

Sharon: Maggie, if you need an extra pair of hands, I could put some gloves on.
Maggie: I just might take you up on that.