We know you're in there, so you can let us in or we'll break in.


You can stay here.


This is where he killed his victims.


John, what are you doing?


I'm right here. Just take me.


You're right. It will be better.


He got away from us today. It won't happen again.

Emile's Brother

Morgan: I already lost one. I'm not losing another.
Grace: I lost a child too.

Henchman: It's going to draw more than the dead, maybe even some of those people you were with before. People like Morgan Jones.
Strand: I'm not worried about him or anyone else.

I know Alicia.


Those people were with us.


Will: That light's not to draw Alicia here.
Strand: No. It's to keep her and everyone else as far away from here as possible.
Will: It won't work. She'll find this place. She'll get through to you.
[Strand picks Will up and throws him off the building.]
Strand: No she won't. She won't have anything to do with me after this.

Fear the Walking Dead Season 7 Quotes

Henchman: It's going to draw more than the dead, maybe even some of those people you were with before. People like Morgan Jones.
Strand: I'm not worried about him or anyone else.

Will: That light's not to draw Alicia here.
Strand: No. It's to keep her and everyone else as far away from here as possible.
Will: It won't work. She'll find this place. She'll get through to you.
[Strand picks Will up and throws him off the building.]
Strand: No she won't. She won't have anything to do with me after this.