I want to say thank you for making me a better doctor. A better teacher. A better everything.


I wanted to look him straight in the eye and yell at him, and say that he made a mistake. It feels like a mistake. I've been there before. I've fallen in love with two people at the same time.


If I say anymore in this letter, there is going to be feelings all over the place. I'm just writing to say goodbye, and thanks. I love you, Dr. Bailey. Dr. Alex Karev.


It took me a long time to say it, but I'm a good Peds surgeon. I'm an OK guy, I'm still trying, but I'm a damn good surgeon.


Unlike everyone else, you let me grow up.


I hope you have a good life, Jo. I hope you find someone better than me. Thank you. Sorry.


I'm not coming home Jo, I wouldn't be able to look you in the eye and walk away.


I love you. Maybe it's not fair of me to say that, but it's also true I'm in love with Izzie.


And when I look at my kids and wonder if I can do right by them, I just think of you.


I wanted to know if she was alive and well. I wanted to hear her voice.


I left, and I'm with Izzie.


You were always the one to set me straight. To point out when I was being an ass. And when that didn't work, you'd flop on my bed and say the one perfect thing to make it work. But the thing is, I can't come back. I can't face you.


Grey's Anatomy Season 16 Episode 16 Quotes

I left, and I'm with Izzie.


You were always the one to set me straight. To point out when I was being an ass. And when that didn't work, you'd flop on my bed and say the one perfect thing to make it work. But the thing is, I can't come back. I can't face you.
