My wife is in pain and you're talking to me about ethics! They told me your veterans. What about honor? Let Rosie die with the dignity and honor that you lived with, please. Please!


I want her life to be full of love and joy. My only ask of you is to want that too.


Come on, now. You people are parents!


Kai: Your family and friends seem like good people.
Amelia: They are. You'll see when you get to know them.

Link: I miss my friend, but I want her to be happy. She deserves the best.
Teddy: Do you have feelings for her?
Link: Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.

Owen: So do you want kids?
Kai: Uh, no. My career is my baby.

We are American. Your faces are American.


When I was a kid, I used to stare at my face in the mirror and wonder if I could use my mother's makeup to make me look more American, which means more white.


Link: So you're saying my ex traded up?
Nick: It's hard t say. I haven't known you that long.

Nico: It was a hate crime, wasn't it?
Mer: It appears that way. We can get another --
Nico: No, no, I'm already here.

Winston: I don't remember getting a welcome dinner party.
Maggie: You arrived during a pandemic.

Link: I know it's your night, but I could really use some Scout time tonight.
Amelia: Is everything alright?
Link: Not really.
Maggie: Can I crash at your place tonight?
Amelia: Is everything alright?
Maggie: Not really.

Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Quotes

Take good care of him, or I'll come back to kill you. No, seriously, I've been trained.


Bailey: Can I talk to your mom.
Zola: No, ma'am.
Bailey: And why not?
Zola: Because technically "No" is a complete sentence.